SECTION 1: NAME - The name of this club shall be The Kennedy Golf Club.
SECTION 2: AFFLIATION - The Kennedy Golf Club shall retain membership in both the Colorado Golf Association (CGA) and the United States Golf Association (USGA).
SECTION 3: PURPOSE - The purpose of The Kennedy Golf Club is to bring together those persons interested in the game of golf, and to offer golf tournaments and other social events in which they may attend and/or participate.
SECTION 4: MISSION STATEMENT - The primary objective of The Kennedy Golf Club is to coordinate golf events for the members of the club, and to promote the sport of golf by hosting and coordinating golf events for other clubs and the general public. Membership to the club is open to the general public.
SECTION 5: CLUB SUPPORT FOR THE GAME OF GOLF - The Kennedy Golf Club will support Junior Golf by contributing time, expertise and/or financial support to Junior Golf programs, in coordination with the staff at Kennedy Golf Course.
The Kennedy Golf Club is periodically called upon to host The Denver Cup Golf Tournament, sponsored by the City and County of Denver. All of the City of Denver's Golf Clubs are invited to play in this 2-day event, played at each of the Denver City courses on a rotating basis. Being host of the tournament requires the Club to provide volunteers to organize and run the event.
SECTION 6: NONDISCRIMINATION - There shall be no discrimination against any individual based on ethnic group, color, creed, age or handicapping condition.
SECTION 7: TAX STATUS - The Kennedy Golf Club has been granted by the Internal Revenue Service, tax exempt status: 501 C7, FED ID# 84-1273945.
SECTION 1: LIMITATION - Membership shall be limited to one hundred and fifty members annually.
SECTION 2: PRIVILEGES OF MEMBERSHIP - Members of the club will be invited to participate in all regularly scheduled golf tournaments, the Spring and Fall Banquets, and any other function the Club schedules.
SECTION 3: HONORARY MEMBERSHIP - On special occasions, as determined by the Board of the Club, certain individuals may be granted honorary membership into the Club. This could be a lifetime membership, waiving any membership fees, and offering all privileges of regular membership.
SECTION 4: MEMBERSHIP/FEES - All regular members can secure a spot on the roster with a $50 deposit, paid by the February deadline. At this time the membership is open to the public on a first-come, first-served basis, until the Club is full. Failure to pay, without expressed waiver by the Board, will result in automatic termination from membership into the Club.
SECTION 5: REFUND POLICY - If, during the course of a golf season, a regular paid member of the Club incurs an incapacitating injury or illness that keeps them from playing golf, or relocates and is unable to participate in tournaments, then the Board will consider refunding a portion of the annual membership fee. All requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis, and the decision of the Board will be final. If the request occurs after the first day of July of any year, then no refund will be made.
SECTION 1: ELECTED OFFICERS - The elected officers of the Club shall be a President, a Vice-President, a Treasurer, a Tournament Chairman, an Assistant Tournament Chairman, Handicap Chairman and a Secretary / Communications Coordinator. The elected officers of the Club shall form the Board of the Club and be responsible for all operations of the Club; shall make all fiduciary and non-fiduciary decisions which will keep the Club solvent; shall communicate all decisions and information regarding tournaments and events to the members of the Club by various means; shall act as the Rules Committee to settle questions about rules during tournaments; shall act on special requests as received.
SECTION 2: APPOINTED OFFICERS - The Board shall appoint an Executive Director to produce and distribute a monthly newsletter for the Club and to assist in other duties which will help in the general administration of the Club. Another position appointed by the Board is Webmaster, who shall be responsible for maintenance of the Club's Internet Website: The appointed officers shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Board and not have voting rights on Board matters. The only exception would be in the case of a tie vote by elected officers on the Board, in which case the Executive Officer shall have the tie-breaking vote.
SECTION 3: DUTIES OF OFFICERS - President: The President shall be the chief elected officer of the Club; shall appoint members of all committees unless otherwise specifically provided for in the By-Laws; shall establish special committees as needed; shall represent the Club whenever necessary; shall ensure the smooth operation of all club functions. The President shall have served for at least one year previously in another elected position on the Board before becoming eligible to run for President.
Vice-President: The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in the absence or incapacity of the President; shall be the chairman of the Nominating Committee; shall coordinate Special Events needed to make the Club successful. These special events are typically the Match Play Tournament, the Bellfairs Tournament and the Mountain Trip.
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall represent the Club in assuring the receipt and expenditure of funds in accordance with Club policies and directives; shall assure proper payments by club members prior to all functions; shall assure proper payouts to club members following Club functions; and, shall provide a statement(s) of accounts available to all members for review.
Tournament Chairman: The Tournament Chairman shall serve as the Chairman of the Tournament Committee; shall appoint the members of the Tournament Committee; Shall ensure the timely selection of, preparation for, and administration of all duties necessary to successfully operate each tournament; shall coordinate tournament recruitment, pairings, flighting according to handicaps, notification to the golf courses of starting times, procurement of additional starting times if needed, on-site registration for tournaments (to include: receipt of greens fees, receipt of advance greens fees for subsequent tournaments, printing and distribution of tournament rules, preparation and distribution of scorecards and collecting of special fees), preparation of tournament master score sheets and posting of scores, notifying the Treasurer and Webmaster of tournament results, preparation and distribution of gift certificates to all tournament winners, and any other duties necessary for successful operation of each tournament.
Assistant Tournament Chairman: The Assistant Tournament Chairman shall serve as assistant to the Tournament Chairman in operating each tournament; and, shall perform the duties of the Tournament Chairman in the absence or incapacity of the Tournament Chairman.
Handicap Chairman: The Handicap Chairman shall serve as the Chairman of the Handicap Committee and coordinate the prompt reporting and calculation of handicaps for all Club members and others using the Club affiliation for the sole purpose of registering a handicap through the CGA.
Secretary / Communications Coordinator shall be responsible for recording the proceedings of all of the official meetings of the Kennedy Men's Club Officers (Board), and publishing those minutes on the KMC website. He shall also assist other Board members in the pursuit of there duties, as prescribed by the President, or requested by other Board members.
SECTION 4: QUALIFICATIONS - Each officer of the Club shall be a regular member in good standing.
SECTION 5: TERMS OF OFFICE - The term of office for the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Tournament Chairman, Assistant Tournament Chairman, Handicap Chairman and Secretary / Communications Coordinator shall be one year, with no limit on consecutive number of terms.
SECTION 6: ELECTION OF OFFICERS - Nominations: The Nominations Committee shall canvass the individuals of the Club for nominations to the elective offices of the Club. Based on this nominating process, the Nominations Committee shall submit the names of no more than three eligible and willing members to be placed on the ballot for each elective office.
Elections: A vote will take place at the Fall Banquet of the Club to determine the officers for the coming year. The results of the election will be announced immediately and the new officers shall take office within one month of the Fall Banquet. A joint meeting of the outgoing and incoming elected officers will be scheduled to occur within one month of the Fall Banquet.
SECTION 7: VACANCIES OF UNEXPIRED TERMS - The Vice President shall succeed the President for an unexpired term and continue as President for the term for which elected.
The Assistant Tournament Chairman shall succeed the Tournament Chairman for an unexpired term and continue as the Tournament Chairman for the term for which elected.
If a vacancy shall occur in the offices of Vice President, Assistant Tournament Chairman, Handicap Chairman or Secretary / Communications Coordinator, the remaining officers on the Board may nominate and elect members to fill the vacancy.
SECTION 8: COMPENSATION - All elected Board members will receive a waiver of their membership fee for the year during which the Board member serves in an official capacity. A retiring President, once they leave active participation on the Board, shall be granted a one-year waiver of their membership fee in recognition for their service to the Club.
SECTION 1 - BANQUETS - There shall be two banquets each year for members. Spring Banquet: The Spring Banquet shall normally be held during the month of April, and shall serve as the kick-off to the coming golf season. If possible, this banquet will be held at one of the member golf courses' facilities.
Fall Banquet: The Fall Banquet shall normally be held during the month of October, and shall signal the end of the Club season. At this function, the winners in each flight of the Club Championship and the Match Play Championship shall be recognized and the elections of officers for the following year shall be held.
SECTION 2 - TOURNAMENTS - Number: The Club shall hold at least 12 tournaments each season, and at least six of these tournaments will be held at Kennedy.
Format: The format of each tournament shall be established before the season starts by the Committee, and shall be announced to members at, or prior to, the Spring Banquet. Once formats are determined and announced, they shall only be changed due to extenuating circumstances. The committee shall endeavor to include individual, two-man team events and four-man team events in the annual tournament schedule.
Reservation Dates: The Committee shall be responsible for reserving the starting times for the selected tournaments with the Department of Parks and Recreation for the City and County of Denver, or with the individual golf course tournament reservation coordinator, in accordance to their guidelines.
SECTION 3: SPECIAL EVENTS - Special events, or opportunities for the Club members to become involved in various benefits, may occur from time to time throughout the year. In such cases, the officers of the Club shall announce said events and recruit participants for the same.
The Club will host a year-long Match Play Tournament for members. It is flighted by handicap into brackets, and members arrange their own matches during a specified timeframe. Winners of this match play format advance to further competition, and the top winners receive a trophy at the Fall Banquet.
The Club will host a year-long Bellfairs Tournament, which runs concurrently with regular club tournaments where players play their own individual ball. An 18-hole score is accumulated during the year, with a limited number of hole scores being recorded each week. Winners are recognized at the Fall Banquet.
SECTION 4: REVISION OF BY-LAWS - These By-Laws may be changed or amended by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the members present during the business portion of the Fall or Spring Banquet.